A space treasure-hunting cat

勇敢的小招喵化身领航员,为了寻找启动招商号飞船的能量,向着星辰大海出发!穿梭在招商星球寻找“燃料”。 在34周年行庆之际,这一支开场动画,用一场探索之旅,演绎招商银行开放、包容、融合、平视的企业文化“能量”。
The  brave  little  Zhaomiao  turned  into  a navigator, in order to find the energy to start the China Merchants spacecraft, he set off towards the sea of stars! Shuttle in the Merchants Planet to find "fuel". On the occasion of the 34thanniversary, this  opening  animation  uses  a  journey  of  exploration  to  interpret  the "energy" of China Merchants Bank's corporate culture of openness, inclusiveness, integration and head-up.

A space treasure-hunting cat